House of Harper Declares Peace in Her Bedroom
sertaadminMeet Caroline of HOUSE of HARPER and Member of the Serta Comfort Crew.
Serta is joining forces with influential women who know a thing or two about transforming a bedroom into a comfort oasis.
This post was created in collaboration with Serta Mattresses. Thank you for supporting the products and brands we love here at HOUSE of HARPER!

Now more than ever, Americans are in need of a comfortable night sleep. With the ever so present inbox, social media and text messages, it can be hard to unplug and unwind. For that reason, when Serta approached me about helping to spread the word about ‘declaring peace in the bedroom’, I knew I wanted to get on board. One to share ways we are already making our bedroom a peaceful place, but to also challenge ourselves to step up our game in this department.

So, without further ado, I am sharing five ways we are declaring peace in our bedroom. I hope you find these helpful! Please share your ideas in the comments below.
1. Start with the mattress. Perhaps this is a no brainer, but a good night’s sleep starts with your mattress. Our mattress honestly wasn’t too old and we thought we were happy with it until the Serta adjustable iComfort arrived at our house.
Serta’s iComfort Memory Foam Sleep System features new TempActiv™ temperature management technology that helps comfortably cool while supporting every curve of your body. We are entering the brutal Houston summer so we are particularly excited about this feature!
All the iComfort mattresses are compatible with Serta’s adjustable foundations for a complete customizable comfort. To say this is our new favorite feature is an understatement! I honestly thought this technology was for older people, but we raise the bed every evening to read before bed. I think the boys are loving it just as much as we are. Every afternoon after the boys’ naps, we climb in bed for an afternoon snack and an episode of cartoons. They fight over who gets the remote and now Knox telling me he wants a new bed, too! Ha!

For all the moms out there, can you imagine this functionality when pregnant or nursing?! I always have such a hard time sleeping during pregnancies. I usually sleep with extra pillows trying to prop myself up, but this adjustable mattress may just be the answer I have been looking for! (I am not expecting, but am admittedly excited about this for next time!)
2. No electronics within reach past 9pm. We moved our phone chargers to the master bathroom just off our bedroom and turn our phone on silent (except for family who is on our emergency list). This takes away the urge to check Instagram one last time or to see if that email you have been waiting on finally came through. Now, we can actually relax and engage with one another before getting a restful night sleep.
3. Create a relaxing environment. This may be different for everyone, but for me this means lighting a candle, having fresh flowers on hand and a few favorite snapshots of our family that always bring a smile to my face.
4. Use Calming Colors when decorating your bedroom. I love soft blues and clean whites to create a serene space that is perfect for relaxing at the end of the day.
5. Declutter your bedside table. I keep a small dish to remove jewelry, a few current books I am reading and a lamp for afterhours reading.
6. Hang curtains to block out the light and even help with outside noise.
What tips do you have for keeping your bedroom calm and relaxing? Serta has launched a campaign to help Americans pause, take some time out and declare peace in the bedroom. Whether it is 15 minutes or a full night sleep, Serta is encouraging everyone to unwind. Now through June 16th, you can declare peace and enter to win a grand prize bedroom makeover, plus weekly prizes! To enter and learn more, visit declarepeace.com